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Don’t act standard. Set the standard. Our new brand identity

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Not so standard. That’s what Taxperience has been for years. However, this didn’t shine through in our brand identity. So, it was time for a change. You might have already seen the result. If not, we invite you to check out our website. We’d like to tell you more about what you’ll see there.

What’s not so standard about Taxperience? With that question in mind, Frank Vogt started his quest for a strong image. Frank was responsible for the concept development on behalf of Capital Advertising. He states: “The tax industry doesn’t have a colorful image, but this doesn’t apply to Taxperience. They display wall art and there’s even a sculpture of a monkey in the office. That’s what distinguishes them.”

Connect core values
In the creation of the concept, Frank searched for an image that said it all, but in an implied and subtle manner. Along the way, he came to a concept that tied the core values of Taxperience to iconic figures. Frank: “Taxperience possesses core values such as innovation, creativity and involvement. With those core values, I looked for people who went out on a limb to change the world.”

Fifteen icons found their way to the drawing board of Frank. He continues: “I wanted the people to be recognizable without using their portraits. We all know the hair of Albert Einstein, the mustache of Salvador Dali and the red hat of Jacques Cousteau. I used these features to shape the icons. That’s how the abstract images arose that represent everything Taxperience stands for.”

Recognizable brand identity
The abstraction allowed the images to also be translated to various assets. Frank: “You can find the colorful icons all across the Taxperience office: in the staircase, on the coasters and on the maps. Next to that, employees could decide who they wanted on their business card. Enabling them to share their story about why they admire this figure in a first introduction.”

The icons also join us in our travels, displayed on recognizable trolleys. Frank: “I heard that there was a healthy competition between colleagues when they were handing out the trolleys. Some Taxperiencers were such big fans, they could barely wait for the official hand-out during the office Christmas party. I obviously hope that these icons will also inspire them during their business trips or holidays.”

Taxperience sets the standard
In the renewal of the corporate identity, we’ve also decided to add more depth to the brand promise. Frank: “The people that inspired the imagery weren’t just different. They changed the world. We wanted to feature that in the slogan. That’s why we went from ‘Not so standard’ to ‘Don’t act standard. Set the standard’. That matches the core values of Taxperience even better.”

Do you recognize all fifteen icons on our website? We’re curious! Let us know who inspires you via info@taxperience.nl or +31 73 64 88 990. Want to stay up to date on the latest news? Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on LinkedIn.

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