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Results of the evaluation of the 30% ruling – and what’s next?

Results of the evaluation of the 30% ruling – and what’s next?

At the end of 2023, the House of Representatives adopted two significant changes regarding the 30% ruling. It was decided that new users of the scheme would no longer be able to receive up to 30% of their salary tax-free for a maximum of 60 months. Instead, the scheme will be phased o …

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Supreme Court issues important decisions related to box 3 taxation

Supreme Court issues important decisions related to box 3 taxation

Currently, the income subject to Dutch personal income tax in box 3 is calculated by determining a deemed income. The basis for this calculation is the value of bank deposits, other assets (such as stocks and real estate), and debts on January 1 of the year. Each of the three categori …

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2024 Dutch Minimum Tax Act

2024 Dutch Minimum Tax Act

On 31 May 2023 the Dutch government published a legislative proposal for the 2024 Dutch Minimum Tax Act. This proposal intends to implement the EU minimum tax directive that was adopted on 14 December 2022. The EU minimum tax directive seeks to ensure a minimum effective profit taxati …

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