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Efficiently Gifting Real Estate to Children through a Family Trust

You may have heard about the possibility of managing your wealth through a family fund. A family fund can be highly appealing for affluent families. Here, we will delve into several possibilities of a common investment fund ('CIF'), also known as the family fund. Specifically, we will …

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Teleworking agreement between the Netherlands and Belgium

The Netherlands and Belgium reach an agreement regarding the tax implications for employers with cross-border teleworking workers.

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Year-end memorandum payroll and HR

With the year 2023 rapidly coming to an end, we are pleased to provide last minute updates and points of attention for closing your 2023 payroll administration and to make sure that you will have a smooth start of the new year.

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Disinheritance and the legitimate portion

Disinheritance and the legitimate portion

As a default, children are the legal heirs of their parent(s). However, for a variety of reasons, it may not be desirable for a child to inherit from the parents. It can also be the case that a child has to deal with a parent that doesn’t want his/her inheritance to go to the child. A …

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2024 Dutch Minimum Tax Act

2024 Dutch Minimum Tax Act

On 31 May 2023 the Dutch government published a legislative proposal for the 2024 Dutch Minimum Tax Act. This proposal intends to implement the EU minimum tax directive that was adopted on 14 December 2022. The EU minimum tax directive seeks to ensure a minimum effective profit taxati …

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Don’t act standard. Set the standard. Our new brand identity

Not so standard. That’s what Taxperience has been for years. However, this didn’t shine through in our brand identity. So, it was time for a change. You might have already seen the result. If not, we invite you to check out our website. We’d like to tell you more about what you’ll see …

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Dutch Supreme Court has final say and rules: Deliveroo are employees

Last Friday, the ruling of the Dutch Supreme Court has put an end to the soap whether Deliveroo employees were self-employed or normal employees. Although Deliveroo has already left the Netherlands, this ruling may have far-reaching consequences for other “delivery services” and compa …

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Hot off the press – introduction of new box 3 taxation delayed

The introduction of a new tax system in box 3 (tax on savings and investments) will be delayed by another year according to State Secretary Marnix van Rij. The previously planned introduction date of the new system on 1 January 2026 has turned out to be unfeasible and is now set for 1 …

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Tax Plan 2023

Tax Plan 2023

This Budget Day Special outlines the most relevant proposals in the 2023 Tax Plan and additional legislative proposals. Many of the proposals have already been announced earlier. This special is divided into the following topics: measures for businesses; measures for employers; measur …

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M&A Transaction costs

M&A Transaction costs

Did you know… …that participation acquisition or selling costs may be non-deductible for Corporate Income Tax - CIT - in the Netherlands The costs directly relating to an acquisition or sale of a participation are considered as not deductible in determining the taxable profit. Therefo …

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